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Full color refers to the 4 primary colors used in the CMYK printing format. Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key (black) are used to replicate nearly any color from digital to physical. If you send us an RGB file, there is a chance that a color shift may occur and you may not be satisfied with your job. You should always start and finish your designs in CMYK color mode.
Our Aluminum Retractable Banner Stands are available with 10 mil indoor premium vinyl banners and are just as versatile as our "X-style" banner stands. The retractable stands are conveniently packed in a small bag and set up in a few easy steps.
Indoor Banner with "X-Style" collapsible stand. The same material as the Indoor Banner, these near photo quality banners are ideal for POP displays and trade shows. They set up in a few seconds and are 24" x 60" with grommets at the corners.
Our Economy "X-Style" Collapsible Banner Stands are versatile and easy to setup. They are available with either our 13 oz scrim vinyl outdoor or 10 mil premium vinyl indoor banners and arrive in a slim nylon bag.
Deluxe Banner Stands are a more stylish alternative to our normal retractable stands. Bigger, heavier base with chrome accents make it stand out. 10 mil indoor vinyl, Collapsible and portable, comes with a convenient carrying case.
Display brand messaging, event backdrops, trade show signage and more in a flash with 13oz Scrim Vinyl with Telescopic Backdrop Banner Stands! Portable and easy to set up, these durable and waterproof banners are ideal for use both indoors and out.
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OFFER ENDS:11/14/24 11:59pm CT
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